I intend to execute a sensitivity analysis (SA) of 16 input parameters in an Energyplus model using JEplus.
At this moment, I have chosen the type of SA that I want to perform and I also have defined the input variation range of the input parameters to be varied (16 in total). Thereafter, I am struggling to make the sampling of my input files accordingly my future analysis (Morris and SOBOL).
Firstly, I want to make a screening analysis (morris method) of all my variables and then reduce my analysis to 6 parameters and conduct a SOBOL global SA. To generate my input files for Energyplus/JEplus, I have tried to use SIMLAB 2.2. However, the program continuously crashes, and it does not permit to create my sampling instruction. I am now trying to create my samples using some Matlab functions, and I have also tried looking at R-functions.
I would like to know, which method have you been using to perform your sensitivity analysis. How have you been generating your samples and calculating the respective sensitivity indexes? Which matlab and R functions are available. Which programs have embedded sensitivity routines (screening and global SA) to proceed these analysis?
Regards, Vasco Zeferina