What's the best way to model these in Open Studio?
I have a plant loop with a boiler, that part I have figured out. There are a number of hydronic unit heaters (water, not steam) similar to the following link, that I am trying to enter into the model: https://www.trane.com/content/dam/Trane/Commercial/global/products-systems/equipment/terminal-devices/unit-heaters/s-p-unit-heaters/UH-SVX01A-EN_05012007.pdf
So far, I have found "Unit Vent Heat Coil" which seems to fit, although there are no inputs for fan speed/volume. Also I can't figure out what "U-factor Times Area Volume" means within his context.
I have several of these unit heaters within a plant loop of an exhisting 50+ year old commerciaal building I am modelling.