I'm trying to model a pretty typical bathroom space - exhaust requirement per ASHRAE w/ supply air to meet a cooling set point. There is no outdoor air requirement for bathrooms and, so, I don't care what the design outdoor air volume is. The entire floor is served by 1 AHU, so I understand that some percentage (based on the air mixing control at the AHU) of the air supplied to the space will be outdoor air, but I don't care what it is and I have no interest in regulating it. The only thing that matters is total air volume supplied to the space. Am I forced to select an arbitrary outdoor air volume or can I set my outdoor air requirement to 0? Thanks!
* Warning * GetOAControllerInputs: Controller:MechanicalVentilation="CONTROLLER MECHANICAL VENTILATION 3 * ~~~ * Cannot locate a matching DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir object for Zone="1010-RESTROOM-TZ". * ~~~ * Using default OA of 0.00944 m3/s-person and 0.0 m3/s-m2. . . .
* Severe * Controller:MechanicalVentilation="CONTROLLER MECHANICAL VENTILATION 3", Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name blank * ~~~ * For Zone="1010-RESTROOM-TZ". * ~~~ * This field either needs to be filled in in this object or Sizing:Zone object. * ~~~ * For this run, default values for these fields will be used.