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can't create all spaces in OS/SUP

I am a very new user so apologies for the dumb question but I am trying to model a school building in OS/SUP.

I have imported a plan which I have traced over and used the OS create spaces from diagram button to create the ground floor but I cannot create the gym hall space. I can't see any errors but wonder if it is because this space shares some internal walls but is much taller than the adjacent spaces which means the lower part of the wall is internal and the top part is external.

Is there a general resource which gives a bit more detail than the tutorials on the Open Studio? I am also wondering about how to create a different second floor and link the stair wells between first and second floors. Is all of this written down somewhere which I just haven't found yet?

can't create all Difficulty creating spaces in OS/SUPOpenStudio/SketchUp

I am a very new user so apologies for the dumb question but I am trying to model a school building in OS/SUP.

I have imported a plan which I have traced over and used the OS create spaces from diagram button to create the ground floor but I cannot create the gym hall space. I can't see any errors but wonder if it is because this space shares some internal walls but is much taller than the adjacent spaces which means the lower part of the wall is internal and the top part is external.

Is there a general resource which gives a bit more detail than the tutorials on the Open Studio? I am also wondering about how to create a different second floor and link the stair wells between first and second floors. Is all of this written down somewhere which I just haven't found yet?