I have a model with some non-convex surfaces and I receive this warning
** Warning ** DetermineShadowingCombinations: There are 12 surfaces which are receiving surfaces and are non-convex.
** ~~~ ** ...Shadowing values may be inaccurate. Check .shd report file for more surface shading details
** ~~~ ** ...Add Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; to see individual warnings for each surface.
I have changed the non-convex surfaces to convex surfaces in the model. What output from Energyplus will show a difference in the simulation, if any, between the model with non-convex surfaces and the model with all surfaces converted to convex shapes?
I want to use the model with the non-convex surfaces since it runs faster, but not at the expense of incorrect results, so I want to compare the output of the two simulations.