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Missing/disappearing walls

Hi, I tried to do an energy model of a building with OpenStudio and I constantly have to start over due to missing walls, I saved as an OpenStudio Model (.osm) this way I don't get the error message and I manage to keep most of the items I have designed on SketchUp but still some are missing the next time I import the OpenStudio file, I would appreciate all of your help with this issue.

Best regards,


Missing/disappearing walls

Hi, I tried to do an energy model of a building with OpenStudio and I constantly have to start over due to missing walls, I saved as an OpenStudio Model (.osm) this way I don't get the error message and I manage to keep most of the items I have designed on SketchUp but still some are missing the next time I import the OpenStudio file, I would appreciate all of your help with this issue.

Best regards,