Dear All,
I am very new to writing measures by myself.
Currently, to add natural ventilation calculation to my model, I am preparing the method based on existing one. I didn't change much but I cannot solve a problem.
I would like any tips from you to solve this.
Error message is like; "undifined method 'getSchedules' for #-----"
The code of my measure is (only the part seemed to be related to this problem):
def arguments(model)
args =
#populate choice argument for schedules in the model
sch_handles =
sch_display_names =
#putting schedule names into hash
sch_hash = {}
sch_hash << "autocalculate"
sch_hash << "user defined"
model.getSchedules.each do |sch|
sch_hash[] = sch
#looping through sorted hash of schedules do |sch_name, sch|
if not sch.scheduleTypeLimits.empty?
sch_handles << sch.handle.to_s
sch_display_names << sch_name
#add empty handle to string vector with schedules
sch_handles << OpenStudio::toUUID("").to_s
#make an argument for cooling schedule
vent_sch = OpenStudio::Ruleset::OSArgument::makeChoiceArgument("vent_sch", sch_handles, sch_display_names, true)
vent_sch.setDisplayName("Opening Area Fraction Schedule Name")
vent_sch.setDefaultValue("Always On Discrete 1 WindStack")
args << vent_sch
I am very happy if you would give me any tips about this problem.
Thank you.