I am doing some tests with Radiance and have some difficulties using light scattered on a sort of ground glass. The setup I am using is quite simple. a ground glass typed plane (gg plane) and another parallel plane in some distance. The gg plane is serving as a virtual light source and I want to verify intensity reduction per area, with the second plane in different distances.
The base setup is as follows:
- CIE, clear sky with sun, 21 March, 12:00, latitude 0°, longitude 30°(gensky 3 21 12:0GMT -a 30 -o 0 +s).
- The gg plane is facing directly south, control plane is parallel in different distances, e.g. 2 m and 8 m.
There seems to be no widening in the scattered intensity when the receiving plane is placed e.g. in 2 m and 8 m distance. The light seems to propagate collimated. I would have expected sort of Lambertian scattering from the gg plane, resulting in a reduced intensity / area with increasing distance.
For the gg plane I tried a number of different parameters, e.g.:
void trans e18f205e-4986-4e35-b872-1c0d4d99db44-00031dca
7 0.48913 0.48913 0.48913 0.08 0 0.5333 0
For the radiance command I also tried a variety of parameters, e.g.:
rtrace -aa 0.15 -ab 4 -ad 256 -ar 32 -as 20 -st 1 -lw 0.05 -dc 0 -dj 0.7 -dp 32 -dr 0 -ds 0
Any help is appreciated! In case it is helpful, I can provide rad, octree, sky and all other files used to run the radiance simulation. Cheers Chris