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How to model window/opening for natural ventilation

I am trying model various window/opening for natural ventilation as commonly used in the tropics. Below as some examples on the openings I am trying to model.

image description

In EnergyPlus, various openings are represented as opening factor and a discharge coefficient. What I want to come up with is a list of openings commonly used in the tropics and provide a way to model it (i.e. what is the opening factor and what is the discharge coefficient).

My questions:

  1. Anybody knows if such a list exists? I have come up with a few openings myself and would like something as a comparison.
  2. How to validate this kind of model? The models that I have defined seems to give a high flowrate. I would like to have some kind of validation for this. Anybody knows if such a validation study have been performed before? Or is there any other measurement data that I can use?

How to model window/opening for natural ventilation

I am trying model various window/opening for natural ventilation as commonly used in the tropics. Below as some examples on the openings I am trying to model.

image description

In EnergyPlus, various openings are represented as opening factor and a discharge coefficient. What I want to come up with is a list of openings commonly used in the tropics and provide a way to model it (i.e. what is the opening factor and what is the discharge coefficient).

My questions:

  1. Anybody knows if such a list exists? I have come up with a few openings myself and would like something as a comparison.
  2. How to validate this kind of model? The models that I have defined seems to give a high flowrate. I would like to have some kind of validation for this. Anybody knows if such a validation study have been performed before? Or is there any other measurement data that I can use?