Hourly schedule for appliances
Hi, I am trying to provide the schedule: File for Clothes dryer and Refrigerator in Energyplus instead of yearly, weekly, daily, and 24 hour schedule. It applies correctly for all the hours except for 12:00 AM it uses another value for schedule.
I am also deleting the previous schedules.
Could you please help me with that?C:\fakepath\Capture.PNG
Following are the Excel file of the problem that I am observing, .idf, weather file, and schedule file. As you know you need to change the schedule file location in the .idf file to run that.
Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SM1iOcECZmu2l-9aRa-itPk4IHNLOYef/view?usp=sharing