I have been trying to setup the OpenStudio residential workflow and am getting stuck on the final measure - HVAC Sizing. I setup the workflow as defined here: https://github.com/NREL/OpenStudio-BEopt#workflows in PAT. The error I am getting states that:
"undefined method -' for nil:NilClass\n\tC:/AWS/Residential WorkFlow/temp_data/analysis_bfc74e65-b296-449b-9651-c706bc039376/measures/ResidentialHVACSizing/resources/geometry.rb:362:in
I dug deeper into it and it appears that none of the spaces are showing up as conditioned, so no height is populated meaning the system can't be properly sized. Has anyone run into this issue before or had issues with the HVAC sizing measure when trying to run the whole residential workflow?