I have an IDF file that I exported from Design Builder (v. The Version
listed in the IDF is "".
I would like to open this file in IDFEditor, and save it to get the objects formatted (grouped by class and in the IDF editor format.) When I open it with the IDFEditor v8.6.0, I got a warning that the file format is incompatible with the .IDD file being used, and with the IDFEditor version. I edited the Version
to be "8.6" in my text editor, and that warning ceased. The IDF file appears to run fine using EPLAunch v8.6.0 (I am running it now: it was read with no issues....and still simulating fine so far).
BUT, when I try to save the file, it aborts during the process with the error: "Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range", once I click "Okay" on that error, the IDFEditor quits. (I can open the new IDF file that was attempting to save, and it does contain a incomplete portion of the IDF.
Any ideas how I can solve this?