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Energy-plus report - peak load and design load

Hi, I'm new in using energy-plus simulation and i have some questions about cooling/heating peak conditions. In the summary i got a "Difference" (difference between peak design load and sensible-instant and sensible-delayed) very high and i don't understand why. How does Energy-plus get the "peak design load" value?

ps. i use Energy-plus with Sefaira plug-in for Revit and coils loads between Sefaira report and Energy plus report don't match...

Thank you!

Energy-plus report - peak load and design load

Hi, I'm new in using energy-plus simulation and i have some questions about cooling/heating peak conditions. In the summary i got a "Difference" (difference between peak design load and sensible-instant and sensible-delayed) very high and i don't understand why. How does Energy-plus get the "peak design load" value?

ps. i use Energy-plus with Sefaira plug-in for Revit and coils loads between Sefaira report and Energy plus report don't match...

Thank you!

Energy-plus report - peak load and design load

Hi, I'm new in using energy-plus simulation and i have some questions about cooling/heating peak conditions. In the summary i got a "Difference" (difference between peak design load and sensible-instant and sensible-delayed) very high and i don't understand why. How does Energy-plus get the "peak design load" value?

ps. i use Energy-plus with Sefaira plug-in for Revit and coils loads between Sefaira report and Energy plus report don't match...

Thank you!youC:\fakepath\SEF.PNG