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Using AedgOfficeHvacFanCoilDoas measure in OpenStudio

I am modeling an office building with a similar HVAC system to the AedgOfficeHvacFanCoilDoas measure in OpenStudio. When I apply this measure to the model and run it, I get an error in the error file for each four pipe fan coil unit. The error says that the user-specified design air flow rate differs from the design air flow rate and that this may or may not indicate mismatched component sizes. It also says to "Verify that the value entered is intended and is consistent with other components". As far as I can tell, everything pertaining to the four pipe fan coil units is set to autosize except for the maximum outdoor air flow rate which is set to 0 because the DOAS handles all of the outdoor air. Where is this error coming from and how can I eliminate it?

I also had a question about general modeling of the DOAS units. In terms of modeling, is the only difference between a DOAS and an air handling unit the schedule they follow?

Using AedgOfficeHvacFanCoilDoas measure in OpenStudio

I am modeling an office building with a similar HVAC system to the AedgOfficeHvacFanCoilDoas measure in OpenStudio. When I apply this measure to the model and run it, I get an error in the error file for each four pipe fan coil unit. The error says that the user-specified design air flow rate differs from the design air flow rate and that this may or may not indicate mismatched component sizes. It also says to "Verify that the value entered is intended and is consistent with other components". As far as I can tell, everything pertaining to the four pipe fan coil units is set to autosize except for the maximum outdoor air flow rate which is set to 0 because the DOAS handles all of the outdoor air. Where is this error coming from and how can I eliminate it?

I also had a question about general modeling of the DOAS units. In terms of modeling, is the only difference between a DOAS and an air handling unit the schedule they follow?

Using AedgOfficeHvacFanCoilDoas measure in OpenStudio

I am modeling an office building with a similar HVAC system to the AedgOfficeHvacFanCoilDoas measure in OpenStudio. When I apply this measure to the model and run it, I get an error in the error file for each four pipe fan coil unit. The error says that the user-specified design air flow rate differs from the design air flow rate and that this may or may not indicate mismatched component sizes. It also says to "Verify that the value entered is intended and is consistent with other components". As far as I can tell, everything pertaining to the four pipe fan coil units is set to autosize except for the maximum outdoor air flow rate which is set to 0 because the DOAS handles all of the outdoor air. Where is this error coming from and how can I eliminate it?

I also had a question about general modeling of the DOAS units. In terms of modeling, is the only difference between a DOAS and an air handling unit the schedule they follow?