For air-cooled and water-cooled chillers, AHRI 550/590 provides a condenser relief with part load ratio (not with OA temperature) as follows:
95 oF @ 100%,
80 oF @ 75%,
65 oF @ 50%,
55 oF @ 25%
85 oF @ 100%,
75 oF @ 75%,
65 oF @ 50%,
65 oF @ 25%
OpenStudio provides for a Setpoint Manager Outdoor Air Reset or a Setpoint Manager Follow Outdoor Air Temperature, but I have not seen a Setpoint Manager "Part Load Ratio". Is there a way to accommodate the AHRI condenser relief into a setpoint manager? I am currently using Setpoint Manager Scheduled on my condenser water loop, which presumably keeps it at 85 oF year-round, if possible. As far as I can tell, this does not allow the simulation to take advantage of the relief.