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drop in absolute humidity when using HVAC:Template:Zone:PTAC

Hi everyone! I am simulating an existing building with a cooling split unit, using HVAC:Template:Zone:PTAC with a SingleSpeedDX with no dehumidification unit added. However, when I look at the results, there is a huge drop in absolute humidity indoors compared to outdoors (about 10g/m3). Can anyone explain me why or how can I avoid that?

Thank you in advance!!

drop in absolute humidity when using HVAC:Template:Zone:PTAC

Hi everyone! I am simulating an existing building with a cooling split unit, using HVAC:Template:Zone:PTAC with a SingleSpeedDX with no dehumidification unit added. However, when I look at the results, there is a huge drop in absolute humidity indoors compared to outdoors (about 10g/m3). Can anyone explain me why or how can I avoid that?

Thank you in advance!!