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Baseline System 8, Supply Air temperature

Hi, I'm following appendix G standard 90.1-207 to model the baseline building.

G3.1.3.12 is "The air temperature for cooling shall be reset higher by 5°F (2.3°C) under the minimum cooling load conditions." and I found this useful question:

What if I have one floor with 50% of the zone with a setpoint manager and the other 50% with a different one? In my case I have offices with 26°C (therefore supply air temperature from 15°C to 17,3°C) and a station with 28°C setpoint (therefore 17°C to 19,3°C).

Baseline System 8, Supply Air temperature

Hi, I'm following appendix G standard 90.1-207 to model the baseline building.

G3.1.3.12 is "The air temperature for cooling shall be reset higher by 5°F (2.3°C) under the minimum cooling load conditions." and I found this useful question:

What if I have one floor with 50% of the zone with a setpoint manager and the other 50% with a different one? In my case I have offices with 26°C (therefore supply air temperature from 15°C to 17,3°C) and a station with 28°C setpoint (therefore 17°C to 19,3°C).