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OpenStudioApp.exe-No Disk

Every time I launch the OS 2.2 application, it asks for a disk and I have to cancel this message in order to open the OS. Is it possible to stop this? However, if I launch it from the Sketchup, then it's message shows. Please advise. Thank you.

OpenStudioApp.exe-No Disk

OpenStudioApp.exe-No Disk

Every time I launch the OS 2.2 application, it asks for a disk and I have to cancel this message in order to open the OS. Is it possible to stop this? However, if I launch it from the Sketchup, then it's message shows. Please advise. Thank you.

OpenStudioApp.exe-No Disk

OpenStudioApp.exe-No Disk

Every time I launch the OS 2.2 application, it asks for a disk and I have to cancel this message in order to open the OS. Is it possible to stop this? However, if I launch it from the Sketchup, then it's message shows. Please advise. Thank you.

OpenStudioApp.exe-No Disk