I have modeled a building openstudio 1.14.0 with EnergyPlus 8-6-0 and am exporting several output variables and meters to csv files, and all runs fine when the reporting frequency is set to 'hourly.' However, I am interested in seeing the data at 15-minute intervals. I am running into 2 issues when I switch the reporting frequency from 'hourly' to 'timestep':
(1) When I change the reporting frequency to 'timestep' for the output variables, the model runs without error messages, but does not generate any csv files with the variable data.
(2) When I change the reporting frequency to 'timestep' for the meters, the model fails and I get my least favorite error message: "...being ignored in restricted program because of @executable_path"
Is there another method for viewing meter and output variable data at 15-minute intervals? Has anyone run into these issues?