Hello Has anyone tried using a DesignBuilder-generated idf file for CBECC-COM, California compliance modeling tool before? My purpose is to export an idf from DesignBuilder to OpenStuido and from OpenStuidio, export a SDD file to be used in CBECC-com. While trying this process a received a long error message, which basically meant that my spaces were not translated, people load were not translated and so on.
Error: Object of type 'OS:Surface' and named 'Block1:L00UNCO50Space_Wall_2_0_0' was not translated. Warning: Model contains spaces which are not assigned to a building story, these have not been translated: 'Block1:L00UNCO50Space', 'Block1:L00UNCO51Space', 'B*lock2:L01COMM40Space',
Does anyone know a solution to get these errors solved and make this transition process work? Thanks for your help in advance. Ladan