In the example file of the MultiZone_SmallOffice_HeatRecoveryHXSL I would expect an Airflownetwork:Distribution:Component:HeatExchanger that is linked to the HeatExchanger:AirToAir:SensibleAndLatent. When I add the component myself and allocate it to an Airflownetwork:Distribution:Linkage (between the outside air node and the OA System node?) I don't get any errors. However flows don't add up. Is my linkage incorrect? For me the text from the IO manual is not clear. Does anyone have an example file with a working Airflownetwork:Distribution:Component:HeatExchanger or can anyone point me in the right direction? I want to model a system like the one below including heat exchanger inside the AirflowNetwork model.
From the IO reference: When a heat exchanger is used in an exhaust air energy recovery system (i.e., in an AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem object to recover waste heat from exhaust air to pretreat incoming outdoor ventilation air), the heat exchanger is treated as a single component. The AirflowNetwork model only connects the two nodes associated with the incoming outdoor ventilation air, while the two exhaust nodes are not defined as part of the AirflowNetwork model. Therefore, each heat exchanger component used in an exhaust air energy recovery system has only one linkage object, similar to AirflowNetwork coil components.