I had measure test files working with 1.14, but then upgraded to 2.1.0 and can't seem to get them to work. I was using the Ruby instance packaged with OS before, but was unable to find the Ruby install with OS 2.1.0. I have installed Ruby 2.2.6 (32-bit) and set up the environment according to the Measure Writing Guide (required the full path to the openstudio.rb file in the measure test file). When I try to run the test file, it gives me the following error:
C:/openstudio-2.1.0/Ruby/openstudio.rb:55:in `require_relative': 193: %1 is not a valid Win32 application. - C:/openstudio-2.1.0/Ruby/openstudio.so (LoadError)
I suspect it could be an issue with the Ruby version or my Path not correctly pointing to OS, but I'm not sure. Any suggestions?