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No change in electricity production after changing generator rated electricity power output?

I am trying to model electricity generation produced by PV panels on a building but noticed that if I change the generator rated electricity power output I am still producing the same amount of energy. I tried to compare this with the generatorPV example file given in EnergyPlus but when I change the generator rated electricity power output values in the example file, it also does not change the power production output. Does anyone know why this occurs and if there is a way to fix this? Change in the generator rated electricity power output should change the power production output at the end of a simulation.

No change in electricity production after changing generator rated electricity power output?

I am trying to model electricity generation produced by PV panels on a building but noticed that if I change the generator rated electricity power output I am still producing the same amount of energy. I tried to compare this with the generatorPV example file given in EnergyPlus but when I change the generator rated electricity power output values in the example file, it also does not change the power production output. Does anyone know why this occurs and if there is a way to fix this? Change in the generator rated electricity power output should change the power production output at the end of a simulation.