EnergyPlus v8.5 I cannot figure out direct control of a gas heating coil; which should be really simple. This would be for an AirLoopHVACLUnitarySystem, with Dx and Gas. It serves multiple zones, with no reheat; but its my control zone with unmet hours. I thought this would be with a SetPointManager...but am coming up empty handed & confused...? I have many unmet heating hours in the control zone, and it appears as though my heating coil is either not turning on or not putting out warm enough air (all capacities are autosized). Note: Not concerned with unmet hours in the slave zones, just the unmet in the control zone....
I have gone back to the HVACTemplate example file for guidance. It creates a bunch of other objects (as expected). It produces a SetpointManager:SingleZone:Cooling, but not the accompanying 'heating' one. There are ZoneControl:Thermostat (s) and these are DualSetpoint types. There aren't many unmet heating hours I am further contused....
So, what am I missing here? I have a feeling this should be really easy, but I cannot get the gas heating coil to put out hot air...