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How to report several Electrical or Lighting Loads in one zone individually ??

For example, in one thermal zone have two definition of Electrical Load 1 and Electrical Load 2. How can I get output for Load 1 and Load 2 separately from the OS or EnergyPlus model ?

If I request output variable zone electrical equipment, it should be equal to Load 1 + Load 2. If I define different end use category, since my model have more than 200 zones, it will be very time consuming to define several categories.

Thank you very much

How to report several Electrical or Lighting Loads in one zone individually ??

For example, in one thermal zone have two definition of Electrical Load 1 and Electrical Load 2. How can I get output for Load 1 and Load 2 separately from the OS or EnergyPlus model ?

If I request output variable zone electrical equipment, it should be equal to Load 1 + Load 2. If I define different end use category, since my model have more than 200 zones, it will be very time consuming to define several categories.

Thank you very muchcategories.

How to report several Electrical or Lighting Loads in one zone individually ??

For example, in one thermal zone have two definition of Electrical Load 1 and Electrical Load 2. How can I get output for Load 1 and Load 2 separately from the OS or EnergyPlus model ?

If I request output variable zone electrical equipment, it should be equal to Load 1 + Load 2. If I define different end use category, since my model have more than 200 zones, it will be very time consuming to define several categories.

How to report several Electrical or Lighting Loads in one zone individually ??

For example, in one thermal zone have two definition of Electrical Load 1 and Electrical Load 2. How can I get output for Load 1 and Load 2 separately from the OS or EnergyPlus model ?

If I request output variable zone electrical equipment, it should be equal to Load 1 + Load 2. If I define different end use category, since my model have more than 200 zones, it will be very time consuming to define several categories.