Dear Forum, When modeling for compliance with ASHRAE 90.1, DX and chiller systems must comply with specific requirements for EER / COP and IEER (or IPLV for older versions). That seems to be a "two-edged sword" - you're trying to meet two different criteria, each of which affects the other. For actual / specified equipment you can (in theory) obtain the performance data and create curves which represent the performance. That's somewhat painful, but do-able.
For "baseline" systems, there is no manufacturer data. Hmmmm.... What's a modeler to do?
I have some ideas about how to solve this dilemna, but I'm wondering what others have done. The most obvious solutions are:
- Ignore the IEER and hope for the best
- Plug in default or example file values and hope for the best
- Tinker endlessly with curve coefficients till the result are close to what is needed
- Wave a magic wand :)
I'd love to hear what approach you take.