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Is the HVAC consumption the sum of cooling and fans of monthly overview table ?

Hi, I am using OpenSudio 1.9.4, I wanted to know the HVAC consumption, I looked in others sources but I coudnt find the answer. Fan is part of the Hvac system, so if I want to know the Hvac consumption of the month I have to sum the fan and cooling loads of monthly overview table ?

Is the HVAC consumption the sum of cooling and fans of monthly overview table ?

Hi, I am using OpenSudio 1.9.4, 1.9.4, I wanted to know the HVAC consumption, I looked in others sources but I coudnt find the answer.

Fan is part of the Hvac system, so if I want to know the Hvac consumption of the month I have to sum the fan and cooling loads of monthly overview table ?

Is the HVAC consumption the sum of cooling and fans of monthly overview table ?

I am using OpenSudio 1.9.4, I wanted to know the HVAC consumption, I looked in others sources but I coudnt find the answer.

Fan is part of the Hvac system, so if I want to know the Hvac consumption of the month I have to sum the fan and cooling loads of monthly overview table ?