Hi all,
Throughout my OpenStudio development I have been finding I run into cases where I know an OS object has a parameter but I'm not finding a way to modify it when I look through the SDK. To give an example, SolarCollector:FlatePlate:Water has a parameter for its area. However, if I go to the SDK and look at SolarCollector:FlatePlate:Water's functions (and through the inherited functions), there doesn't appear to be one to modify its area.
In cases like these, is there an easy way to go in and modify the actual raw string representing the OS object? I figure there must be a way to output the OS object as a string, modify it, and cast it back to an OS object. Other examples of when I've had trouble with this is when trying to find outlet node of a water heater mixed object to use as the Stream 2 Source Node on a tempering valve.
Any advice?