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Zone temperature beyond heating setpoint temperature

I am new in EnergyPlus and I wanted to set a temperature of a house model at specific heating and cooling setpoint. When I use single heating mode in the example file Packaged Heat Terminal Pump and use a weather file, the zone temperature goes beyond the heating setpoint temperature even if the heating coils are turned off. I even tried by turning off the fan, but the temp increases in the middle of the day beyond my heating setpoint. I also tried the EMS and tried to give a deadband in heating setpoint. I donot understand why my zone temperature is above heating setpoint when outdoor temperature is lower than the heating setpoint and my heating coils off.

I hope you could help me in this confusion.

Zone temperature beyond heating setpoint temperature

I am new in EnergyPlus and I wanted to set a temperature of a house model at specific heating and cooling setpoint. When I use single heating mode in the example file Packaged Heat Terminal Pump and use a weather file, the zone temperature goes beyond the heating setpoint temperature even if the heating coils are turned off. I even tried by turning off the fan, but the temp increases in the middle of the day beyond my heating setpoint. I also tried the EMS and tried to give a deadband in heating setpoint. I donot understand why my zone temperature is above heating setpoint when outdoor temperature is lower than the heating setpoint and my heating coils off.

I hope you could help me in this confusion.