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OpenStudio 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 conversion issues

I am noticing a significant difference in the energy consumption (about 10% change) associated with several models before and after they are upgraded to OS 1.13.0. I have noticed that the heating and cooling loads show significant variation, which may be driving the overall differences. I also noticed that the "Gross Wall Area" values in the updated 1.13.0 model are all equal to "0.0" and am wondering if this might be a clue as to what is going on.

Any thoughts on what changes might be driving these differences? Are these differences due to planned changes within the 1.13.0 version of OS or perhaps a bug in the conversion process?

Note: no other changes were made other than the automatic upgrade initiated when using the new 1.13.0 OS GUI.

OpenStudio 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 conversion issues

I am noticing a significant difference in the energy consumption (about 10% change) associated with several models before and after they are upgraded to OS 1.13.0. I have noticed that the heating and cooling loads show significant variation, which may be driving the overall differences. I also noticed that the "Gross Wall Area" values in the updated 1.13.0 model are all equal to "0.0" and am wondering if this might be a clue as to what is going on.

Any thoughts on what changes might be driving these differences? Are these differences due to planned changes within the 1.13.0 version of OS or perhaps a bug in the conversion process?

Note: no other changes were made other than the automatic upgrade initiated when using the new 1.13.0 OS GUI.