I need an infinite capacity object (that won't be factored in to the EUI in the default E+ report) to provide heating and cooling to a WSHP condenser loop. District Heating/Cooling won't work since that's included in the site EUI (which doesn't make any sense by the way since it's source energy, but I digress). I can't get the response I want from GroundHeatExchanger
leaving the only other option I've found to be PlantComponent:TemperatureSource
. Since this object can't be controlled by a setpoint manger I elected to created a heating and cooling primary loops that service the condenser loop through heat exchangers.
Cooling/Heating Loops (2 Unique Loops; bot with the same arragement)
Heat Pump Loop
Heat exchangers are set to ideal and cooling/heating setpoint modulated based on their respective loops. I've ensured all components have sufficiently large hard sized capacities.
I've tried MANY setups/combinations, but I've yet to come up with anything that responds how I'd like. Here is what the current setup yields...
The loop works great when I a district heating/cooling setup in series. When I replace them with heat exchangers though, it all falls apart. Is there anything wrong with this setup that doesn't make any sense? Is there a better way to approach what I'm trying to do? I feel like this may be do to PlantOperationScheme:Uncontrolled
, I feel like with all the explicit setpoint managers though that shouldn't be an issue.