I'm modeling heat recovery from a Chiller:Electric:EIR
in EnergyPlus 8.5.0. I'm using the loop configuration from the HeatRecoveryElectricChiller.idf
example file with some additional objects for (attempted) autosizing:
Model setup:
- The chiller heat recovery inlet and outlets nodes are on a branch on the demand side of a heat recovery loop
- There is a WaterHeater:Mixed on the supply side of the heat recovery loop, connected via the Source inlet and outlet nodes
- This same WaterHeater:Mixed is on the supply side of my hot water loop, on a branch in parallel with an existing boiler, connected via the Use inlet and outlet nodes.
- There is a SetpointManager:Scheduled on the supply outlet node of the heat recovery loop set to 95F
- The Sizing:Plant for the heat recovery loop is set to Heating, with 95F exit and 10F delta-T
- The heat recovery loop has an PlantEquipmentOperationSchemes listing a PlantEquipmentOperation:HeatingLoad listing the WaterHeater:Mixed for the entire capacity range.
I'm getting zero autosized flow through the heat recovery loop and trying to figure out why.
Here's the link to my idf.