I have a large model with complex geomerty. Part of the geometry is imported from gbXML to DesignBuilder. The model without any HVAC systems, runs fine. Then when I started to put the systems in, I got this error first:
* Severe * DualSetPointWithDeadBand: Unanticipated combination of heating and cooling loads - report to EnergyPlus Development Team * ~~~ * occurs in Zone=1XBDXHEGYALLATH:SZULOBOX1X1 During Warmup & Sizing, Environment=SUMMER DESIGN DAY IN UNTITLED (01-06:07-06) JUL, at Simulation time=07/15 00:00 - 00:10 * ~~~ * LoadToHeatingSetPoint=NAN, LoadToCoolingSetPoint=NAN * ~~~ * Zone Heating Set-point=18.00 * ~~~ * Zone Cooling Set-point=100.00 * ~~~ * Zone TempDepZnLd=NAN * ~~~ * Zone TempIndZnLd=NAN * ~~~ * Zone ThermostatSetPoint=0.00 * Fatal * Program terminates due to above conditions.
Then I looked here: https://github.com/NREL/EnergyPlus/issues/5160
Probably my zones are malformed somehow. I tried to divide zones to smaller ones, change the geometry in the zone in question, no luck. I removed the HVAC systems from this zone, the error came up in an other zone.
Then I put IdealLoadsAir systems in every zone. This way the error came up like this:
* Severe * Temperature (low) out of bounds [-102.77] for zone="0XBDXMAJOMKIFUT:MAJOMKIFUTX0", for surface="0XBDXMAJOMKIFUT:MAJOMKIFUTX0_CEILING_1_1_2_1_2_0_HOLE" * ~~~ * During Warmup & Sizing, Environment=SUMMER DESIGN DAY IN UNTITLED (01-01:31-01) JUL, at Simulation time=07/15 12:30 - 12:31 * ~~~ * Zone="0XBDXMAJOMKIFUT:MAJOMKIFUTX0", Diagnostic Details: * ~~~ * ...Internal Heat Gain [5.000] W/m2 * ~~~ * ...Airflow Network Simulation: Nominal Infiltration/Ventilation/Mixing not available. * ~~~ * ...Zone is part of HVAC controlled system.
So at least I found, the problematic surface. Removed the hole (its a horizontal door) but the error moved on to an other zone.
Then I found this: https://github.com/NREL/EnergyPlus/pull/5670
And my model has the same characteristics. I used displacement ventilation room air model, and it had horizontal doors in it. I changed the room air model to Mixed. Still does not work.
I thought I am close to the source of the problem, but looks like I'm looking at the wrong places. Any suggestions?