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Thermostat Tolerance in AvailabilityManager:NightCycle

I don't understand the thermostat tolerance :

The zone temperature must exceed the cooling set point or fall below the heating set point by 1/2 the Thermostat Tolerance in order for the availability manager to signal that the system should turn on.

I want the heating to turn on at night if the temperature falls below 14 °C. I have my heating set point to 16 °C, my tolerance thermostat to 4 °C and my cycling run time to 1600s. So I expected my system to turn on at 16-4*1/2 = 14 °C and to stay on during 1600s. However it is not the behavior I observed: T.PNG

I have only two zones controlled with this NightCycle: image description

Any thoughts on what happens ?