I seems to be getting two errors with the version updater, going from v8.1 to 8.3 OR to v8.5. 1. When launching from EPLaunch I'll get errors with the "No Appropriate TransitionV-X-X-to-x-x.exe' files found..." A separate install on a different machine was able to complete the process, but was curious what I'd done. 2. Bigger issue with when I did run the updater, I was then unable to run the file. This is true for both the v8.3 and v8.5. I traced the issue back to: " * Severe * IP: IDF line~416507 Invalid Number in Numeric Field#12 (Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area), value=DESIGNDAY, in SIZING:SYSTEM=AHU 1-01" Looking a the IDD, I was able to figure it out, and remove the issue [find and replace via Notepad++]. A second time I was confront with the same error, but in another field location. but was curious if I was the only one. It did ppear to be uniform error for all of the SIZING:SYSTEM (s), but odd. Thoughts? Or is this a bug due to some of the change in the IDD for these?