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What does multiplier means for loads and sub surfaces in Openstudio

I am curious to know when I have just one zone and only one door what does multiplier of the door means?(This is by default 1 for example if I change it to 2 what would happen for my door?) image description image description

and what about loads how multiplier works for them?(people, lights, electric equipment, infiltration).

image description Thanks in advance for any answers!

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

What does multiplier means for loads and sub surfaces in Openstudio

I am curious to know when I have just one zone and only one door what does multiplier of the door means?(This is by default 1 for example if I change it to 2 what would will happen for my door?) image description image description

and what about loads how multiplier works for them?(people, lights, electric equipment, infiltration).

image description Thanks in advance for any answers!

click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

What does multiplier means for loads and sub surfaces in Openstudio

I am curious to know when I have just one zone and only one door what does multiplier of the door means?(This is by default 1 for example if I change it to 2 what will happen for my door?) image description image description

and what about loads loads! how multiplier works for them?(people, lights, electric equipment, infiltration).

infiltration). image description Thanks in advance for any answers!

click to hide/show revision 4
No.4 Revision

What does multiplier means for loads and sub surfaces in Openstudio

I am curious to know when I have just one zone and only one door what does multiplier of the door means?(This is by default 1 for example if I change it to 2 what will happen for my door?) image description image description

and And what about loads! how multiplier works for them?(people, lights, electric equipment, infiltration). image description Thanks in advance for any answers!

What does multiplier means for loads and sub surfaces in Openstudio

I am curious to know when I have just one zone and only one door what does multiplier of the door means?(This is by default 1 for example if I change it to 2 what will happen for my door?) image description image description

And what about loads! how multiplier works for them?(people, lights, electric equipment, infiltration). image description Thanks in advance for any answers!