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Energy consumption of each thermal zone

Hello everyone, Im new at this, so excuse me if my question seems a bit funny. Im SketchUp and OS. Is there any way I can see the results of energy consumption of each thermal zone separetely and not of the entire model(im mostly interested in heating and cooling)?

Energy consumption of each thermal zone

Hello everyone, Im new at this, so excuse me if my question seems a bit funny. Im SketchUp and OS. Is there any way I can see the results of energy consumption of each thermal zone separetely and not of the entire model(im mostly interested in heating and cooling)?

Energy consumption of each thermal zone

Hello everyone, Im new at this, so excuse me if my question seems a bit funny. Im SketchUp and OS. Is there any way I can see the results of energy consumption of each thermal zone separetely and not of the entire model(im mostly interested in heating and cooling)?