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LWR heat exchange between external surfaces of non-convex zones

In a building with non-convex zones (as described here), some surfaces are seeing each other. In the EnergyPlus Documentation about External Longwave Radiation there is nothing about longwave radiation heat exchange between two exterior surfaces of the same building that are seeing each other. Does EnergyPlus take into account this kind of exchange ? If it does, can someone give me some details about it ?


LWR heat exchange between external surfaces of non-convex zones

In a building with non-convex zones (as described here), some surfaces are seeing each other. In the EnergyPlus Documentation about External Longwave Radiation there is nothing about longwave radiation heat exchange between two exterior surfaces of the same building that are seeing each other. Does EnergyPlus take into account this kind of exchange ? If it does, can someone give me some details about it ?


LWR heat exchange between external surfaces of non-convex zones

In a building with non-convex zones (as described here), in the documentation of EnergyPlus 8-4-0, in EngineeringReference/ FullInteriorAndExteriorWithReflections), some surfaces are seeing each other. In the EnergyPlus Documentation about External Longwave Radiation Radiation (EngineeringReference/3.5.2 External Longwave Radiation) there is nothing about longwave radiation heat exchange between two exterior surfaces of the same building that are seeing each other. Does EnergyPlus take into account this kind of exchange ? If it does, can someone give me some details about it ?
