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Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate vs SurfaceProperty:SolarIncidentInside

Dear Everyone,

I am trying to simulate extremely complex environments using EnergyPlus and Radiance. Since I am used to use Radiance, my apporach is to

  1. Calculate Solar irradiance over walls
  2. Create a Schedule for EnergyPlus that will be read using the SurfaceProperty:SolarIncidentInside.

However, I am having some trouble reading the documentation. Even though its name is SolarIncidentInside, then the documentation basically says the schedule will replace the absorbed solar radiation... the units are W/m2. All cool for now.

However, when I try to report it using the Output:Variable,*,Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area,hourly;, I do not get the same value as in the Schedule... and they do not even match the values multiplied by the surface absorbtance.

Can anyone please explain this discrepancy to me?

Kind regards,

Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate vs SurfaceProperty:SolarIncidentInside

Dear Everyone,

I am trying to simulate extremely complex environments using EnergyPlus and Radiance. Since I am used to use Radiance, my apporach is to

  1. Calculate Solar irradiance over walls
  2. Create a Schedule for EnergyPlus that will be read using the SurfaceProperty:SolarIncidentInside.

However, I am having some trouble reading the documentation. Even though its name is SolarIncidentInside, then the documentation basically says the schedule will replace the absorbed solar radiation... the units are W/m2. All cool for now.

However, when I try to report it using the Output:Variable,*,Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area,hourly;, I do not get the same value as in the Schedule... and they do not even match the values multiplied by the surface absorbtance.

Can anyone please explain this discrepancy to me?

Kind regards,