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Why does my model after simulating goes blank in sketchup?

The model I've been working on went into xray vision in sketchup after several simulations in openstudio and doesnt go back to any of the properties of the openstudio renders. Even when clicking the surfaces with the inspector it doesnt show any information. But the information in the openstudio app are still intact and I can still make simulations. How can I look at my model again?C:\fakepath\1.jpg

Why does my model after simulating goes blank in sketchup?

The model I've been working on went into xray vision in sketchup after several simulations in openstudio and doesnt go back to any of the properties of the openstudio renders. Even when clicking the surfaces with the inspector it doesnt show any information. But the information in the openstudio app are still intact and I can still make simulations. How can I look at my model again?C:\fakepath\1.jpg

Why does my model after simulating goes blank in sketchup?

The model I've been working on went into xray vision in sketchup after several simulations in openstudio and doesnt go back to any of the properties of the openstudio renders. Even when clicking the surfaces with the inspector it doesnt show any information. But the information in the openstudio app are still intact and I can still make simulations. How can I look at my model again?C:\fakepath\1.jpg

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