I'm unclear about what E+ does when the load on the boiler for a given timestep in below the Minimum Part Load Ratio
I'm running a simulation using the following:
1; !- Minimum System Timestep {minutes}
I'm requesting a bunch of output variables at the detailed
frequency for my boiler, which is set to have a Minimum Part Load Ratio
of 0.2 and to be ConstantFlow
I'm getting output that is at 6 timestep per hour. (I would have thought I'd get system-level output, down to the minute then...)
When plotting just 2 call for heat during low load conditions, I can see that the two have a different Heating Demand Rate, but the same energy is used... This is confusing to me, I was assuming E+ would do something similar to eQuest, that is to calculate a "Fraction of timestep boiler runs" (timestep=hour in eQuest) or something similar.
Can someone explain to me what E+ does when the load on the boiler is below the minimum boiler load?