I'm looking to model a SAPP ceiling Hybrid (radiant cooling and heating ceiling panel), performing cooling and heating. I've started modeling that on DesignBuilder by implementing a chilled ceiling. Since the performance of DesignBuilder is limited regarding this type of system, I moved to EnergyPlus to model the heating part of this system. In the section ZoneHVAC:LowTempratureRadiant:VariableFLow, I've tried to put Chilled Ceiling HW Water Inlet (respectively Outlet) Node in the Heating Water Inlet Node (respectively Outlet) Name section, but I couldn't find it. I also tried to replace the heating part by a radiator in DesignBuilder, but regarding the results, there are some differences with the original system. Now I'm wondering how can I model this type of system (either on DesignBuilder or EnergyPlus).
If you have some experience on this issue, please share it. With Many Thanks. Nassim