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Variable Air Voume Fan Control

I'm wondering how variable air volume fans are controlled in Open Studio. End use, I am trying to model VFDs on HVAC fans (not exhaust fans) and I am wondering how a VFD on a CAV fan would operate differently/similarly to a VAV fan?

Variable Air Voume Fan Control

I'm wondering how variable air volume fans are controlled in Open Studio. End use, I am trying to model VFDs on HVAC fans (not exhaust fans) and I am wondering how a VFD on a CAV fan would operate differently/similarly to a VAV fan?

Variable Air Voume Fan Control

I'm wondering how variable air volume fans are controlled in Open Studio. End use, I am trying to model VFDs on HVAC fans (not exhaust fans) and I am wondering how a VFD on a CAV fan would operate differently/similarly to a VAV fan?