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How to model natural cross ventilation with airflow network?

Hi, I intend to modulate a natural cross ventilation in an apartment, through the air flow network. I want it so that the air enters through de north facade windows, crosses the whole apartment (unidirectional) and exits out the south facade windows. I’m considering the apartment as a thermal zone, the pressure coefficients are calculated with E+ and I have the airflow values defined. Is it possible? What airflow network components should I use?

How to model natural cross ventilation with airflow network?

Hi, I intend to modulate a natural cross ventilation in an apartment, through the air flow network. I want it so that the air enters through de north facade windows, crosses the whole apartment (unidirectional) and exits out the south facade windows. I’m considering the apartment as a thermal zone, the pressure coefficients are calculated with E+ and I have the airflow values defined. Is it possible? What airflow network components should I use?

How to model natural cross ventilation with airflow network?

Hi, I intend to modulate a natural cross ventilation in an apartment, through the air flow network. I want it so that the air enters through de north facade windows, crosses the whole apartment (unidirectional) and exits out the south facade windows. I’m considering the apartment as a thermal zone, the pressure coefficients are calculated with E+ and I have the airflow values defined. Is it possible? What airflow network components should I use?