Hi guys, I have started to work on Open Studios with Radiance. The building I am modelling is the Queens Building in the University if Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom. I cannot upload a picture so maybe if you type in Queens Building on Google map you might understand the scale of the project. I was in the process of placing the illuminance maps on the first floor when it hit me that it may not be possible to put the different illuminance map under the same thermal zone.
So for example if I have 6 mechanical rooms, all of them under thermal zone 1, would it be possible to have different illuminance map for each mechanical room ? It should be noted that the rooms are located all around the building. Same thing for the glare sensor and the daylighting controls. Is it possible to have different illuminance maps for different rooms where the rooms are all in the same thermal zone.
Sorry for the long post but I wanted to be pretty descriptive so that there are no misunderstandings.
Kind regards, Rafid Khan