Hi all. I used the new beta version of DesignBuilder to model the ASHP detailed HVAC system.
The ASHP will be used for heating and Hot water. I upload the HVAC system as shown below.
error I got: Last severe error=Plant temperatures are getting far too cold, check controls and relative loads and capacities
*** * Warning * Plant loop falling below lower temperature limit, PlantLoop="AUX HW LOOP"
*** * ~~~ * This error occurred 5 total times;
*** * ~~~ * during Warmup 5 times;
*** * ~~~ * during Sizing 0 times.
*** * ~~~ * Min=-136.598068
I've checked the minimum loop temperature is set to 0 and the maximum loop temperature is set to 80. When I tried to increase the minimum temperature from 0 to 20, the error message changed: Min=-56.215634 and the error occurred times increased to 146.
I have no idea where this -136 degree come from.
Thanks for your help. Thanks again.