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Is there a karma requirement to post an answer?

The karma requirements on the help page do not mention minimum karma needed to answer questions (I currently have karma=1). I tried answering a question, but it keeps failing without any error message.

Privilege   Required Karma
Upvote         1
Downvote     100 
Upload File   10
Edit  posts  200
…   …

Is there a karma requirement to post an answer?

The karma requirements on the help page do not mention minimum karma needed to answer questions (I currently have karma=1). I tried answering a question, but it keeps failing without any error message.

Privilege   Required Karma
Upvote         1
Downvote     100 
Upload File   10
Edit  posts  200
…   …

The help page may also benefit from suggestions of ways to gain karma.

Is there a karma requirement to post an answer?

The karma requirements on the help page do not mention minimum karma needed to answer questions (I currently have karma=1). I tried answering a question, but it keeps failing without any error message.

Privilege   Required Karma
Upvote         1
Downvote     100 
Upload File   10
Edit posts  posts  200
…   …

The help page may also benefit from suggestions of ways to gain karma.

Is there a karma requirement to post an answer?

The karma requirements on the help page do not mention minimum karma needed to answer questions (I currently have karma=1). I tried answering a question, but it keeps failing without any error message.

Privilege   Required Karma
Upvote         1
Downvote     100 
Upload File   10
Edit posts   200

The help page may also benefit from suggestions of ways to gain karma.