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kwh results conversion

In IDF editor it’s possible to select the option kWh instated of Joules for results. Is it this feature available in OpenStudio?

kwh Is it possible to use the Joules to kWh results conversionconversion in OpenStudio?

In IDF editor it’s possible to select the option kWh instated instead of Joules for results. results.

Is it this feature available in OpenStudio?

Is it possible to use the Joules to kWh results conversion in OpenStudio?

In IDF editor it’s possible to select the option kWh instead of Joules for results.

Is it this feature available in OpenStudio?

Is it possible to use the Joules to kWh results conversion in OpenStudio?

In IDF editor it’s possible to select the option kWh instead of Joules for results.

Is it this feature available in OpenStudio?

Is it possible to use the Joules to kWh results conversion in OpenStudio?

In IDF editor it’s possible to select the option kWh instead of Joules for results.

Is it this feature available in OpenStudio?

Is it possible to use the Joules to kWh results conversion in OpenStudio?

In IDF editor it’s possible to select the option kWh instead of Joules for results.

Is it this feature available in OpenStudio?