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EMS negative number - not a question

It took me couple of hours to figure out that EMS (in energyplus) cannot use negative numbers. Any negative number has to be written as 0-number. For eg., -1 is 0 - 1. Since nothing showed up in unmet-hoooooours regarding this, I thought I will save some person future hours by posting this.

EMS negative number - not a question

It took me couple of hours to figure out that EMS (in energyplus) cannot use negative numbers. Any negative number has to be written as 0-number. For eg., -1 is 0 - 1. Since nothing showed up in unmet-hoooooours regarding this, I thought I will save some person future hours by posting this.

EMS negative number - not a question

It took me couple of hours to figure out that EMS (in energyplus) cannot use negative numbers. Any negative number has to be written as 0-number. For eg., -1 is 0 - 1. Since nothing showed up in unmet-hoooooours regarding this, I thought I will save some person future hours by posting this.

EMS negative number - not a question

It took me couple of hours to figure out that EMS (in energyplus) cannot use negative numbers. Any negative number has to be written as 0-number. For eg., -1 is 0 - 1. Since nothing showed up in unmet-hoooooours regarding this, I thought I will save some person future hours by posting this.