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Electric equipment meter


is it possible create a table for electric equipment, like a Report: Lighting Summary ?

Thank you

Electric equipment meter


is it possible create a table for electric equipment, like a Report: Lighting Summary ?

Thank you

Electric Producing tabular output for individual electric equipment metermeters


is Is it possible create a table for electric equipment, like a Report: Lighting Summary Report:LightingSummary?

Thank youWhat I'm looking for is an output table showing annual consumption for the individual items of electric equipment such as those shown in the image below.

image description

Producing tabular output for individual electric equipment meters

Is it possible create a table for electric equipment, like a Report:LightingSummary?

What I'm looking for is an output table showing annual consumption for the individual items of electric equipment such as those shown in the image below.

image description

I'm using OpenStudio 1.8.0 and EnergyPlus 8.3.